다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Metaverse is a compound word of meta and universe and refers to a three-dimensional virtual world where avatars engage in political, economic, social, and cultural activities. It is widely used in the sense of a virtual world based on daily life where both the real and the unreal coexist. Metaverse was first used in Neil Stevenson’s science fiction novel Snow Crash in 1992 and referred to a world where ***************************************. As the scope of the Metaverse is wide and continuously growing, various definitions and similar concepts exist. Some scientists divided life-logging, mirror world, augmented reality, and the virtual world according to whether the implemented space is reality oriented or virtual-centered, and whether the implemented information is external environment information-centered or individual-centered. In previous studies, Metaverse focused on the composition of the virtual world itself (e.g., game), but recently, it is often expressed as a medium for exchanging interests and social interaction centered on content. Mirror world (e.g., Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth) refers to extending information into the virtual world by realistically reflecting the real world. Mirror World is originated from a book called Mirror Worlds written by David Gelernter in 1992. The real space where people live is reproduced in digital form, and additional simulation information is added. In other words, the mirror world replicates the appearance of buildings or objects in the real world but has its own properties and functions. Metaverse, multiverse, digital terraforming, and mirror world are conceptually similar but have slightly different meanings depending on where they are used and share some concepts.

*augmented reality 증강현실

① virtual and reality interact and create value through various social activities
② people from various cultures socialize and share information in one place
③ the possibility of liberation from hunger and disease is very high
④ the sense of reality of virtual existence is very foreign
⑤ new self-establishment is possible through various social activities

정답 확인 및 중요 구문

정답 및 해석

원문 : Sang-Min Park, Young-Gab Kim(2022). A Metaverse: Taxonomy, Components, Applications, and Open Challenges. IEEE Access Volume 10, 04 January 2022.

메타버스는 메타와 유니버스라는 두 단어의 합성어로, 아바타들이 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 활동을 하는 3차원 가상 세계를 의미한다. 이는 실제와 비현실이 공존하는 일상 기반의 가상 세계로 널리 사용된다. 메타버스는 처음으로 Neil Stevenson의 과학 소설인 Snow Crash에서 등장했으며, 가상과 현실이 상호작용하여 다양한 사회 활동을 통해 가치를 창출하는 세계를 지칭했다. 메타버스의 범위는 넓고 지속적으로 확장되고 있어 다양한 정의와 유사한 개념이 존재한다. 구현된 공간이 현실 중심인지 가상 중심인지, 구현된 정보가 외부 환경 정보 중심인지 개인 중심인지에 따라 메타버스는 생활 기록, 거울 세계, 증강 현실, 가상 세계로 구분했다. 이전 연구에서는 메타버스가 주로 가상 세계 자체(예: 게임)의 구성에 초점을 맞추었지만, 최근에는 콘텐츠를 중심으로 관심사 교환과 사회적 상호작용의 매개체로 표현되고 있다. 거울 세계 (예: Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth)는 현실 세계를 현실적으로 반영하여 가상 세계로 정보를 확장하는 것을 의미한다. 거울 세계는 David Gelernter가 1992년에 쓴 책인 Mirror Worlds에서 유래되었다. 사람들이 실제로 살고 있는 실제 공간이 디지털 형태로 재현되고 추가적인 시뮬레이션 정보가 추가된다. 다시 말해, 거울 세계는 실제 세계의 건물이나 물체의 모습을 복제하지만 고유한 특성과 기능을 갖고 있다. 메타버스, 멀티버스, 디지털 테라포밍, 거울 세계는 개념적으로 유사하지만 사용되는 맥락에 따라 약간 다른 의미를 갖고 있으며 몇몇 개념을 공유한다.


Some scientists / divided / life-logging, mirror world, augmented reality, and the virtual world / ⓐaccording to / ⓑwhether the implemented space / is reality oriented / or virtual-centered, / ⓒand whether the implemented information / is external environment information-centered or individual-centered.
몇몇 과학자들은 / 구분했다 / 생활기록, 거울 세계, 증강 현실, 그리고 가상세계로 / ~에 따라 / 구현된 공간이 / 현실 기반인지 / 가상 중신인지 / 그리고 구현된 정보가 / 외부 환경 정보 중심인지, 개인 중심인지

ⓐ 부사구를 이끄는 전치사로 ‘~에 따르면’ 으로 해석한다.
ⓑ 접속사 whether이 명사절을 이끌어 전치사의 목적어 역할을 하고 있으며, or로 보어가 연결되어있다 (whether s v c1 or c2)
ⓒ 두개의 명사절을 병렬연결하고 있는 등위접속사이다.


compound복합의, 합성의three-dimensional3차원의
avatar화신, 아바coexist공존하다, 동시에 있다
implemented구현된, 완성된, 이행된orient지향하게 하다, 맞추다
external외부의, 대외의composition구성, 구성요소
replicate복제하다properties속성, 특징, 성질


다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

People found that the atomic clock was ********** for use anywhere and that it maintained a high level of accuracy. They used radio to broadcast time signals. Eventually, the Greenwich Observatory, the UK National Physical Library, and the US Naval Observatory synchronized their radio signals, creating Coordinated Universal Time in 1960. The following year, the Bureau International de l’Heure (International Time Bureau) introduced Coordinated Universal Time across the globe, which they established through atomic reference. Based on the frequency that cesium clocks use to keep track of time, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) defined the International System (SI) second in 1967. They stated that one second is equal to the length of the 9,192,631,770 Hertz, or s-1, frequency of radio waves that cause cesium atoms to vibrate between energy states. Although people now had an exact second to use for time measurements, UTC did undergo further adjustments to take both atomic references and the Earth’s rotation into account. Thus, from 1972 onwards, the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service has added a leap second to UTC when changes in the Earth’s rotation cause UTC to fall greater than 0.9 seconds behind UT.

① perilous
② irreplaceable
③ immoderate
④ senseful
⑤ suitable

정답 확인 및 중요 구문

정답 및 해석

원문 : The History of Coordinated Universal Time

사람들은 원자시계가 어디에서나 사용하기에 적합하고 높은 수준의 정확도를 유지한다는 것을 발견했다. 그들은 라디오를 사용하여 시간 신호를 방송했다. 마침내 그리니치 천문대, 영국 국립 물리 도서관, 미국 해군 천문대가 라디오 신호를 동기화하여 1960년에 좌표 세계 시간을 만들었다. 이듬해 국제시간국은 원자 참조를 통해 제정한 좌표 세계 시간을 전 세계에 소개했다. 1967년 국제도량형국(BIPM)은 세슘 시계가 시간을 기록하는 데 사용하는 주파수를 기반으로 국제 시스템(SI)을 두 번째로 정의했다. 그들은 1초가 에너지 상태 사이에서 세슘 원자를 진동시키는 전파의 주파수인 9,192,631,770헤르츠, 즉 s-1의 길이와 동일하다고 말했다. 사람들이 시간 측정에 사용할 수 있는 정확한 1초가 이제 있었지만 UTC는 원자 참조와 지구의 회전을 모두 고려하기 위해 추가 조정을 거쳤다. 따라서 1972년부터 국제 지구 회전 및 참조 시스템 서비스는 지구 회전의 변화로 UTC가 UTC보다 0.9초 이상 뒤쳐지게 되었을 때 UTC에 두 번째 도약을 추가했다.


The following year, / the Bureau International de l’Heure (International Time Bureau) / introduced / Coordinated Universal Time / across the globe, / ⓐwhich they / established / through atomic reference.
그러나, / 소멸 이후 / 이상적인 언어 원칙의 / 20세기 후반의, / 자연 언어의 특이성에 대한 관심은, / 그것의 모함을 포함한, / 크게 증가했다.

ⓐ계속적용법의 목적격관계대명사이다.


synchronize시간을 일치시키다, 동시에 일어나다reference언급, 참조
cesium세슘exact 정확한, 정밀한
measurement측정, 측량undergo겪다다

The Biden Campaign Is Officially Trolling on TikTok Now

Students sitting at desks with laptops in a high school classroom
독해 난이도 : ★★☆☆☆
소재 : Joe Biden, campaign, TikTok
원문 링크

President Joe Biden is officially on TikTok. In the middle of the Super Bowl on Sunday, the Biden campaign announced that it had joined the platform. In Biden’s first post, he’s asked a series of questions, like whether he prefers the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers. At the end, a staffer jokingly references the strange conspiracy theory that the White House rigged the game in the Chiefs’ favor to get Taylor Swift’s endorsement.

*the Super Bowl : 미국 프로미식축구 NFC 우승팀과 AFC 우승팀이 겨루는 챔피언 결정전.
*endorsement : 지지, 보증

Deviously plotting to rig the season so the Chiefs would make the Super Bowl or the Chiefs just being a good football team?” Biden is asked by the staffer.
“I’d get into trouble if I told you,” Biden replied.

*deviously : 정직하지 못한

Biden campaign advisers cite an increasingly fragmented media ecosystem as one of the main reasons the campaign finally joined the platform.

“A few years ago, young voters were all but ignored. Now, we have political power like never before, and the incumbent president’s campaign is on TikTok,” Jack Lobel, national press secretary for Voters of Tomorrow, tells WIRED. “On TikTok, the Biden campaign will reach millions of young people, some of whom otherwise might not hear about the president’s accomplishments on issues from climate action to education.”

*incumbent : 재임자, 재임중인

Under the handle @BidenHQ, the campaign says that it will start posting on TikTok regularly like it does on Facebook, Instagram, and X, formerly Twitter.

Before joining TikTok on Sunday, the Biden team appeared happy to avoid it and the politicization of its Chinese owner, ByteDance. As recently as last summer, a Biden staffer told NBC News that it would not be joining the platform for the 2024 election cycle. Instead, the Biden team has opted to work with a slate of young influencers to spread its message over the past few years, and the Democratic National Committee operated an account supporting Biden and other down-ballot Democrats. Now that the campaign has its own account, it still plans to work with the influencer network throughout the election, Biden campaign advisers said on Sunday.

*politicization : 정치화, 이슈화
*opt : 선택하다, 고르다

Since about 2018, Congress has tried to ban TikTok in the US, despite many lawmakers using the app themselves. TikTok’s opponents argue that the app spies on American users on behalf of the Chinese government, providing Beijing with a secret backdoor to US data. Last spring, the Biden administration gave ByteDance, TikTok’s owner, an ultimatum of either selling the app to a US company or facing an outright ban.

Biden campaign advisers said that they’re taking enhanced security measures to protect their data and devices. TikTok is currently banned on most federal devices, and a Biden spokesperson said that the team is logged in to TikTok on a separate device used specifically for using the app.

Biden’s campaign has already leaned into referencing the right-wing memes about his presidency: Shortly after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl on Sunday night, the campaign published a photo on X that was also featured in Biden’s first TikTok video, of the president smiling with laser eyes—an image that has become synonymous with the “Dark Brandon” meme.

The image was captioned saying “Just like we drew it up,” invoking the Swift conspiracy once more.

An AT&T Outage Is Wreaking Havoc on US Cellular Networks

Students sitting at desks with laptops in a high school classroom
독해 난이도 : ★☆☆☆☆
소재 : AT&T, network outage
원문 링크

It started around 3:30 in the morning on the East Coast, reports flooding in about an AT&T service outage. Customers complained across Reddit and X and logged their issues on Downdetector, a site that, well, detects when services go down.

The impact appears to be widespread; AT&T users from New York to Atlanta to Dallas claimed no signal, phones stuck in SOS mode. Multiple police departments, including in San Francisco, reported that some users were unable to contact 911 as a result of the outages. By 9 am ET, Downdetector was showing more than 72,000 AT&T outages across the US; the site’s baseline for AT&T service issues is 42.

“Some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning,” AT&T spokesperson Jim Greer said in a statement. “We are working urgently to restore service to them. We encourage the use of Wi-Fi calling until service is restored.”

It’s not just AT&T’s customers, though. Every cell carrier on Downdetector showed spikes Thursday morning, including behemoths Verizon and T-Mobile. But both companies confirmed that there’s nothing wrong with their networks; the complaints are instead collateral damage, people trying to reach their AT&T contacts and not getting through.

*collateral 부수적인

“We did not experience an outage,” a T-Mobile spokesperson told WIRED over email. “Our network is operating normally. Downdetector is likely reflecting challenges our customers were having attempting to connect to users on other networks.”

*outage 공급정지, 정전, 단수

Similarly, a Verizon spokesperson said over email that “Verizon’s network is operating normally. Some customers experienced issues this morning when calling or texting with customers served by another carrier.”

The news isn’t all bad. AT&T confirmed that FirstNet, the first responder network that AT&T built out, is operating normally. And while it’s an imperfect substitute—or totally unusable, depending on where you are—Wi-Fi calling should suffice as a workaround for now. (To turn on Wi-Fi calling, go to your smartphone’s Settings, then Network & internet, then switch the Wi-Fi Calling toggle to on. Exact wording might vary depending on your phone model and operating system.)

Cell network outages happen with some frequency, and can stem from any number of causes. “Three things come to mind with major network outages,” says Erik Keith, senior research analyst at S&P Global Market Intelligence, “cyber attacks, fiber cuts at critical points in the network, and software or system upgrades that don’t go as planned or have unforeseen issues.”

*unforeseen 예측하지 못한, 뜻밖의

In this case, the latter explanation seems the most likely, says Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at Kentik, a network monitoring company. “It’s quite unusual,” Madory says, noting that even within the same household some AT&T devices are affected while others aren’t. “I’m guessing that they did some sort of internal software push and it didn’t agree with some subset of these devices, and they’re having trouble reverting it.”

*subset 부분집합

While interruptions of this scale are rare, they do happen globally once or twice a year. Last month, Spanish carrier Orange España lost half of its network for hours due to a cyberattack. T-Mobile had a massive service interruption of this scale a year ago that it ultimately attributed to a “third-party fiber interruption issue.” That issue appeared more self-contained, though, than the ripple effects seemingly caused by AT&T’s problems.

*ripple effect 파급효과

Thursday afternoon, the FCC said on X that it was “actively investigating” the outage. “We are in touch with AT&T and public safety authorities, including FirstNet, as well as other providers,” the agency said.

By that time, the incident appeared close to being resolved. By 11 am ET, DownDetector incidents had begun to taper off, although over 60,000 people were still reporting issues. Shortly thereafter, AT&T updated that it had made significant progress with the issue. “Our network teams took immediate action and so far three-quarters of our network has been restored,” Greer said in an emailed comment at 11:14 am ET. “We are working as quickly as possible to restore service to remaining customers.” As of 2:30pm ET, DownDetector showed over 3,000 reports, well below the peak of the trouble.

*taper off 점점 줄어들다

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자체 제작 모의고사는 엄선된 지문들 외에 최근 이슈에 관련된 주제와, 트렌디한 키워드, 폭넓은 분야의 다양한 내용들로 직접 제작한 문제들로 구성되어 있습니다. 모의고사를 풀어보는 것 만으로도 다양한 분야의 배경지식을 쌓는데 도움이 되고, 영어 뿐만 아니라 다양한 분야에서 간접적인 도움을 받을 수 있습니다.

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